Interesting Facts About HUMAN HEART

Heart is a myogenic muscular organ found in all animals with a circulatory system (including all vertebrates), that is responsible for pumping blood throughout the blood vessels by repeated, rhythmic contractions. Here are some interesting facts about this essential organ :-

1. The adult heart pumps about 9120 liters gallons of blood each day throughout the body.

2. Every day, the heart creates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles. In a lifetime, that is equivalent to driving to the moon and back.

3. The fetal heart rate is approximately twice as fast as an adult’s, at about 150 beats per minute. By the time a fetus is 12 weeks old, its heart pumps an amazing 60 pints (28.4 Ltrs) of blood a day.

4. The heart pumps blood to almost all of the body’s 75 trillion cells. Only the corneas receive no blood supply !!!

5. The heart pumps oxygenated blood through the aorta (the largest artery) at about 1 mile (1.6 km) per hour. By the time blood reaches the capillaries, it is moving at around 43 inches (109 cm) per hour.

6. The volume of blood pumped by the heart can vary over a wide range, from five to 30 liters per minute.

7. Because the heart has its own electrical impulse, it can continue to beat even when separated from the body, as long as it has an adequate supply of oxygen.

8. During an average lifetime, the heart will pump nearly 1.5 million gallons of blood—enough to fill 200 train tank cars.

9. Five percent of blood supplies the heart, 15-20% goes to the brain and central nervous system, and 22% goes to the kidneys.

10. The “Lub-Dub” of a heartbeat is the sound made by the four valves of the heart closing and opening.

11. The heart does the most physical work of any muscle during a lifetime. The power output of the heart ranges from 1-5 watts.

12. The heart begins beating at four weeks after conception and does not stop until death

13. A newborn baby has about one cup of blood in circulation. An adult human has about four to five quarts which the heart pumps to all the tissues and to and from the lungs in about one minute while beating 72 times

14. The heart pumps oxygenated blood through the aorta (the largest artery) at about 1 mile (1.6 km) per hour. By the time blood reaches the capillaries, it is moving at around 43 inches (109 cm) per hour.

15. Cocaine affects the heart’s electrical activity and causes spasm of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke, even in healthy people.

16. “Atrium” is Latin for “entrance hall,” and “ventricle” is Latin for “little belly.

17. A woman’s heart typically beats faster than a man’s. The heart of an average man beats approximately 70 times a minute, whereas the average woman has a heart rate of 78 per minute.

18. Grab a tennis ball and squeeze it tightly: that’s how hard the beating heart works to pump blood.

19. Some heavy snorers may have a condition called obtrusive sleep apnea (OSA), which can negatively affect the heart.

20. Prolonged lack of sleep can cause irregular jumping heartbeats called premature ventricular contractions (PVCs).

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